One of a kind pair of Statement earrings "World Tour" with big satin tassel HONEY GOLDEN YELLOW / 2 different earrings - 1 paire contenant 2 boucles d'oreiles différentes.: 1 au ponpon satin Jaune doré et l'autre en cercle

Item 22 of 141
€ 19,99 (including VAT)

One of a kind pair of Statement earrings "World Tour" with big satin tassel HONEY GOLDEN YELLOW / 2 different, magnificent earrings. Wear them as a pair or separately. Hot summer fashion !!
Height of the tassel earring : 15 cm.

1 paire contenant 2 boucles d'oreiles différentes.: 1 au ponpon franges satin JAUNE MIEL DORÉ et l'autre en cercle.
Hauteur de la plus longue : 15 cm.

Tags : goudgele honig kleur boucle d'oreille franges Party jewelry, Cadeau, vriendinnen kado, strand accessoire, beach accessory, flower power, Toppers in concert tribal buikdanskleding buikdans accessoire Boho bohemian Ibiza look, flower power, hippy summer fashion Hot summer fashion signature look oorbellen Rode Loper mode Red Carpet fashion Boulevard


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