Coins necklace SILVER colored gypsy hippy style

Item 36 of 84
€ 25,00 (including VAT)

Coins necklace SILVER colored gypsy hippy style, Indian Jingle Dancing Gypsy Jewelry Ethnic Coin Necklace
Size : about 50 cm long, one size fits all, wear it longer or shorter, as a choker, at your choice.

Collier ARGENTÉ sequins monnaie, style bohémien, gypsy, hippy Indien
Mesures : longueur environs 50 cm, adaptable à porter long ou en choker.

Keywords :1001 nights 1001 Nuits Jingle Dancing Gypsy Jewelry Ethnic Coin NecklaceHippie chick juwelen, sieraden, Ibiza, hippy chic jewellery, back to the sixties, oriental dance jewel, Bauchtanz Schmuck, bijoux de danse orientale du ventre muntenhalssnoer muntjeshalssnoer muntjesketting muntenketting Münzenkette Münzhalskette


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