Bellydance Books
Serpent of the Nile Book in DUTCH!! - Slang van de Nijl BuikdansboekSerpent of the Nile, 225 pages in Dutch. A bestseller about the history and background of the Oriental Dance, with beautiful glossy pictures of bellydancers through the centuries. Makes a great gift for yourself and for your…
€ 24,50 € 17,50- Postcards Egyptians wall painting from the tombs Pharaonic Glowcards - Cartes postales orientales pharaoniques
Bellydance postcards on shiny background. Double cards, to write your message inside.
Size: 8,4 cm x 11 cm.Female MusiciansNeferteteKing Ramses 2 offering Lotus and PapyrusCartes postales aux images des pharaons Égyptiens. Cartes…€ 0,70 - Bellydance postcards, orientalistic images from daily life in oriental countries
Bellydance postcards for bellydancers and lovers of the orient and orientalism as an art style.
Size: 14,5 cm x 9,8 cm.Cartes postales aux images orientales de la vie quotidienne et peintures orientalistes. Bellydance postcards,…€ 1,00

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